Guide: Dos Maestros (Two Masters) Dr. Atl & Mardonio Magaña
Gallery guide for an exhibition that was presented by the Mexic-Arte Museum entitled "Dos Maestros [Two Masters] Dr. Atl & Mardonio Magaña, Two Legendary Mexican Masters". The entire brochure is printed in green tinted gray-scale, including the photographs. The cover of the guide features the title and a photograph of a charcoal drawing by Dr. Atl. After the introduction on page two, the guide includes pages dedicated to biographical information about Dr. Atl and Mardonio Magaña. There are also pages that cover information about the "San Juan Parangaricutiro before and after its destruction", the "location of the Parícutin volcano", the history of Parícutin, and the "formation of a volcano". On page eleven and twelve, there is a chronological timeline that covers the life of Mardonio Magaña. There is a page of acknowledgements concerning the museum, the exhibition, and the gallery guide at the back of the guide as well as a page that features a list of the board of directors, members, honorary members, legal counselors, and staff of the Mexic-Arte Museum. There are several photographs of the artists and their artworks throughout the guide.
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